How to Prompt AI

By April 8, 2023 March 1st, 2024 AI, AI, Blog

Not sure the best way to prompt these AI tools, use Prompt chat to search for some prewritten prompts to help guide you to better prompting skills.

Treat your AI like it is an assistant for fulfillment or an advisor.

Example format to get the AI to ask you questions for better output:

I want you to act as an expert in the field of (x insert the industry/expertise you are seeking). You have all the information about anything to do with (x industry, target audience, etc). I will ask you questions about different topics within (x problem you are trying to solve), and you will provide me with clear, concise, and accurate information. Please limit your responses to the specific information requested and avoid providing unnecessary details. Let’s begin, (x problem you are trying to solve)

The better the input the better the output will be with AI tools.

Check out Open AI on Discord and use the Prompt Libary that they have provided.

Prompt Writing:

Here is my cheatsheet for prompt writing:

The secret to getting the best results out of ChatGPT is all about detailed prompts.

Use our CONTEXT prompt framework:

C – Clear Objective and Role: Start with a specific goal for your prompt. What role do you need the AI to play?

O – Outline Key Points and output: List the essential messages or information that must be included and output you desire (bullets, points, article, blog, mind map, table, etc.

N – Nuance in Tone and Style: Specify the desired tone and style (e.g., conversational, professional, write like a human).

T – Target Audience: Provide context about your audience, industry, or specific challenges.

E – Examples or References: Include examples or references to guide the AI’s output.

X – eXpectations and Constraints: Define any constraints like word count, format, or content limitations.

T – Task the reader with a Call to Action: End with a clear action for readers or users, if applicable.

BONUS: Finish the CONTEXT framework with – Ask me questions for clarity. 

By asking the AI to ask questions for clarity, the AI will prompt you to ask for things it needs to know to provide a better output. Using this method will 10X your output every time.

If the response isn’t correct, let ChatGPT know that the response is not correct and provide the correct answer. If you don’t like the response provided, ask it to rewrite it, or ask it to provide more details or fewer details. Be conversational with it. You can also ask it to write sections versus the whole thing.

Example with CONTEXT framework for prompting being used:

Clear Objective and Role: “You are a marketing expert. Generate an engaging blog post on the latest AI trends for B2B marketing.”

Outline Key Points and Output: “Include AI’s impact on data analysis, personalized marketing, and customer service automation. This is for a blog post.”

Nuance in Tone and Style: “Ensure the tone is engaging and accessible, with a mix of informative content and practical examples.”

Target Audience Context: “Our audience is small to mid-sized B2B business leaders in the Midwest, with a basic understanding of AI.”

Examples or References: “Reference successful case studies of AI in B2B marketing, particularly in similar industries like manufacturing.”

Xpectations and Constraints: “The post should be around 1000 words, formatted with subheadings for easy reading.”

Task the reader with a Call to Action: “Encourage readers to assess their current marketing strategies and consider integrating AI by downloading our AI 101 guide.”

Ask me questions for clarity.

(C) You are a marketing expert. Generate an engaging blog post on the latest AI trends for B2B marketing. (O) Include AI’s impact on data analysis, personalized marketing, and customer service automation. This is for a blog post. (N) Ensure the tone is engaging and accessible, with a mix of informative content and practical examples. (T) Our audience is small to mid-sized B2B business leaders in the Midwest, with a basic understanding of AI. (E) Reference successful case studies of AI in B2B marketing, particularly in similar industries like manufacturing. (X)The blog post should be around 1000 words, formatted with subheadings for easy reading. (T) Encourage readers to assess their current marketing strategies and consider integrating AI by downloading our AI 101 guide.

Ask me questions for clarity.

Using “CONTEXT” as your guide, you can easily remember to include all essential elements in your prompts, making them more effective and tailored to your AI interactions. This method ensures that your prompts are structured and comprehensive, leading to better outcomes and more relevant responses for your business needs.

*Remember, the output is a first draft. Don’t copy and paste the output without editing and adding your voice to the content. This is to get you started. It is not the finished product.