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September 2017

Steps to Overcoming Sales Reluctancy

By | Blog, Digital Marketing, RaRa

Over the last few months’ time and time again the topic of “sales is sleazy”,”I don’t do sales”, or we are experiencing “sales reluctancy” in our organization has come up in our discovery sessions.

Individuals and companies need stop looking at it as “sales.” You aren’t selling anyone. You are a problem solver and educator. You started a business or job out of a passion. You are simply sharing your passion and knowledge with others. You have to have confidence in what services or products you are offering is THE solution to the potential client’s problem/challenge. Just get it (sales) out of your head.

Everyone is selling every day but you just don’t realize it. What would the conversation look like at a backyard grill out or a coffee with a friend? That is the language you should be using. Not sure why but along the way we have stopped what we would naturally do or say to someone face to face when communicating in an email or online. Sales is all about relationship building. I tell my clients to change the language if the word “sales” is tripping them up. Call it knowledge meetings or education meetings. Don’t call it a sales meeting. Don’t call it sales goals. Call it impact goals as in how many people have we helped or impacted this week or month. Play whatever game you need to play to trick your mind into not feeling nervous about reaching out to potential clients to share your knowledge and passion.

You have to watch this quick video by Mel Robbins as she explains the 5 second rule.

Our brain wants us to stay comfortable. It is there to protect us. Unfortunately, it is protecting you from growth outside your comfort zone. Just move forward with the thing that scares you in “5 seconds” of bravery. You can do this. The world needs your solution, service or product.

Everyone is a salesperson in the organization. Every person is impacting their internal and external customers. Every conversation counts no matter the title! People remember how you made them feel not your perfect “pitch.”

Today, I see that when reviewing a website, proposals, marketing materials or presentation content it is all about the company and not about the client or problems that you solve. The potential client wants to see themselves on your website, proposals and presentations. How are you engaging them? What are you trying to help the “fix”, “avoid”, or “accomplish”? How are you guiding them to the solution they need to solve their business challenge? Think about how you like being sold to….. What has worked to get you to make a decision in your business?

Are there things that frustrate you on how others are selling to you?

If there are things that frustrate you on how others are selling to you, like the immediate pitch after connecting on LinkedIn, grabbing your email address and adding you to their enewsletter, the lengthy email that talks how they have been in business since 1948 doing “x”, etc. Then why do we continue to do those exact things in our sales process? When we have coffee with a new friend, we don’t show up and say let’s get married. We ask questions to learn about them and their interests. This is exactly what happens when we do land that first meeting.

I am genuinely curious about people, what they are trying to accomplish and how I might be able to help them or be a connector for them. Conversation is easy for me. I get that isn’t true for a lot of people. I have been given the gift of gab from my mom.

Steps to overcoming sales reluctancy:
Be human-what would you say when having coffee with a friend (gaining new information–who, what when, where, how…)

Be curious-ask questions, seek to understand, really listen not listen to respond

Bring value -Share your knowledge and passion

Be brave-5 seconds to success, get out of your head

It isn’t sales. It’s a conversation! You are a problem solver. Now, go solve some problems!

Creating Business Development Habits

By | Blog

Some of us have developed some bad or lack of business development habits. Not naming any names. Don’t worry your secret is safe with me.


What are habits?

Habits are the small decisions you make and actions you perform every day. According to researchers, habits account for about 40-45% of our behaviors on any given day.


Your life today is essentially the sum of your habits. Your scale of how healthy or not healthy you are. A result of your habits. Your scale of how happy or unhappy you are? A result of your habits. Your scale of how successful or unsuccessful you are. A result of your habits.


Changing habits is a 3-step process –>trigger, action and benefit to make them stick.


Trigger: What is something to trigger that you need to focus on business development activities? It is as simple as putting it on your calendar, printing out your goals and putting them on your desk, account reviews with your manager, accountability pack with a teammate?

Something that triggers your need to work on your business development activities and not put it off.


Action: Then do it.  Pick up the phone and call that prospect, email that referral partner, email the prospect, comment or engage with prospect on social, search LinkedIn for mutual connections, do some research on the prospect,


Benefit: Then reward yourself for it. You called or emails x# of people today from the goals that you set. You did it! Now, celebrate. Take a quick walk, step away from your desk, grab something to drink not that kind of drink, high five your coworker, text your accountability partner and let them know you did it.


As humans, we love routines. We are out of sorts when we are off our routine. Routines take the guess work out of our day. Find a way to make your business development efforts to become a habit. Don’t do random acts of business development. Figure out your numbers: how many emails/calls to land appointment, how many appointments land in proposals, how many proposals can I close and then repeat. Know your numbers.


It takes 21 days to make your new habit stick but that stat came from research done in 1960 by Maxwell Maltz. A 2009 study revealed that it is more likely 66 days to form a habit.


If you want a deeper dive into creating and breaking habits check out The Power of Habit. It is a great read on this topic and scary how programable we are.


What works best for you on making sure you are taking action on your business development activities?

John F. Barrett Entrepreneur Vision Award

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Wow! I just found out that I am a recipient of this prestigious award for the class of 2017. I am honored for this opportunity.

The John F. Barrett Entrepreneur Vision Award celebrates local business leaders who, through their willingness to take risks, stand out as community leaders who have built successful businesses that stimulate our local economy. The award is given annually to outstanding entrepreneurs who truly embody the entrepreneurial vision and spirit of Cincinnati in its evolution as a world-class city.

The award is presented by The Entrepreneur’s Organization of Greater Cincinnati and the editorial team at The Lead Tribune Media Group, the publisher of Venue Magazine, and Greater Cincinnati’s Lifestyle publication and LEAD Magazine.

I am looking forward to the celebration luncheon with the other honorees on October 19.

Thank you for this honor! I am so grateful!