

Speaking, Events and Workshops for 2021

By | Events, RaRa

Thank you for asking about our public workshops or events in 2021! I  hope to see you at one of the events. You won’t regret it.

January 5, 10-11 EST
Topic: Leadership Mindset
Host: Talent Management Institute

I share my 5 principles of Leadership Mindset.
Message us to sign up.

February 17, 12:30-1:30 EST
Topic: Leverage LinkedIn for Business Development and Recruiting
Host: HCDC 

February 18, 11 EST
Topic: Fish! Philosophy in your business
What are we seeing and hearing from leaders?
What is working to help with leader exhaustion?
You have permission to say that you are tired.

Join LaMarque Ward and me
Host: Fish! Philosophy free webinar

February 22, 10-11 EST Mentor Monday
Host: Business Courier

February 24, 830-5 EST
Topic: Entrepreneurship and Mindset
Host: Comspark free event
Register here: 

March 23
Topic: Emerging Leaders Mindset

Not Today Karen!
Our thoughts can trip us up. In this session, learn how to tame your inner critic, slay imposter syndrome, and create a daily practice to work your mindset muscle. Attendees will leave the session energized with confidence and clarity.

Host: Washington Bankers Association

May 19, 9:30-10:30 EST
Topic: Marketing, Mindset and Motivation
Host: Meeting Professionals International

July 13, 12-1 EST
Topic: Marketing on a Budget
Host: West Chester Liberty Chamber Alliance

September 16
Topic: LinkedIn for Career Development and Personal Branding
Host: University of Dayton

October 9
Topic: Demystifying Branding and Marketing
Host: Medipreneurs

October 20
Topic: Women’s Initiative Conference Keynote
Host: Northern Kentucky Chamber

November 3
Topic: Marketing Blueprint
Host: Ohio’s Wate Well Association

Let me know if you are looking for an engaging speaker who covers topics on Marketing, Mindset, or Entrepreneurship. I have been speaking for over 15 years. Love to ignite action in others through these events.


Reset Mindset Conference 2020

By | Events, RaRa

Reset was born out of the passion to help others remove limiting beliefs, fears and anxiety. I have done a lot of work over the past thirteen years and want to bring to you the knowledge that I have gained to help you take your life to the next level.

This conference is the first of its kind in Cincinnati and Bowling Green, KY!

Join us on January 17 from 9-11 in Bowling Green, KY or January 30 from 9-12 in Cincinnati for our Reset Mindset Conference. Speakers vary at each location.

Reset your story

Reset your mind

Reset your relationship

Reset Conference is for you. We are helping you move from fear and anxiety to joy and gratitude.

Your current mindset can stop you from fulfilling your dreams. When you are in a better headspace, things begin to fall into place. You are uniquely and wonderfully made.

This is not a sit and get. If you want something different in your life, this is it. The time is now.

Our amazing Speakers and Facilitators:

Tarita Preston-Speaker and Coach. She will be talking about how to slow down in order to speed up.

R.T. Stokes-Speaker and Coach. He will be speaking about Relentless Rise.

Mike Woodring-Mindset Coach. He will be guiding us through how to set yourself up for the best year yet.

Melissa Davis-Global speaker and Coach (Bowling Green location). She will be speaking on Finding Your Why and Money Mindset.

Kendra Ramirez-Reset Founder

All attendees get access to our Private Facebook Reset Community, journal, free wifi and exclusive offers from our sponsors.


Who should attend?
The dreamers
Want to be Entrepreneurs and Side Hustlers
Entrepreneurs and Business Owners
Stuck in your career due to staying in your comfort zone
Getting passed over for promotions
Want to make a shift in your life but not sure where to start

Time to take it to the next level! Own your own power!
All are welcome! These are coed events.

Reserve your seat today.

Don’t take our word for it. Here are testimonials from our last Reset event:

Our events sell out. Don’t wait to grab your ticket!

Did you miss our January 2020 event? No worries. Our next event is October 1 from 9-12 in Cincinnati. Get your tickets today

Reset Women’s Mindset Conference Cincinnati

By | Events, RaRa

Today is the day! The day I have been thinking about and researching since December 2018. But really it is a life project. So excited to share my passion project with you.

Anyone who knows me knows that I love to empower and cheer others on. Reset was born out of this passion. So grateful to everyone that has helped me make this dream become a reality. Thank you for believing in me and my crazy ideas.

Let’s do this! Time to get off the sidelines! Get in the game.

Launch of Reset Video

Reset was born out of the passion to help others remove limiting beliefs, fears and anxiety. I have done a lot of work over the past thirteen years and want to bring to you the knowledge that I have gained to help you take your life to the next level.

This conference is the first of its kind in Cincinnati!

Join us on October 18 from 8:30-11:30 a.m. for Reset Conference

Reset your story

Reset your mind

Reset your relationship

Reset Conference is for you. We are helping you move from fear and anxiety to joy and gratitude.

Your current mindset can stop you from fulfilling your dreams. When you are in a better headspace, things begin to fall into place. You are uniquely and wonderfully made.

This is not a sit and get. If you want something different in your life, this is it. The time is now.

Our amazing Speakers and Facilitators:

Sandra Vogel-Executive Global Coach

Erin Fritts-Mindset Global Coach

Patrice Borders-Global Executive EI Coach

Kendra Ramirez-Reset Founder

All attendees get access to our Private Facebook Reset Community, gratitude journal, $20 gift card to Woodhouse Day Spa, free wifi and exclusive offers from our sponsors.


Who should attend?
The dreamers
Want to be Entrepreneurs and Side Hustlers
Entrepreneurs and Business Owners
Stuck in your career due to staying in your comfort zone
Getting passed over for promotions
Want to make a shift in your life but not sure where to start

Time to take it to the next level! Own your own power!
All are welcome!

Reserve your seat today.

The October event is sold out! Our next event is January 30, 2020!

View or download our Reset One Pager here

Steps to Overcoming Sales Reluctancy

By | Blog, Digital Marketing, RaRa

Over the last few months’ time and time again the topic of “sales is sleazy”,”I don’t do sales”, or we are experiencing “sales reluctancy” in our organization has come up in our discovery sessions.

Individuals and companies need stop looking at it as “sales.” You aren’t selling anyone. You are a problem solver and educator. You started a business or job out of a passion. You are simply sharing your passion and knowledge with others. You have to have confidence in what services or products you are offering is THE solution to the potential client’s problem/challenge. Just get it (sales) out of your head.

Everyone is selling every day but you just don’t realize it. What would the conversation look like at a backyard grill out or a coffee with a friend? That is the language you should be using. Not sure why but along the way we have stopped what we would naturally do or say to someone face to face when communicating in an email or online. Sales is all about relationship building. I tell my clients to change the language if the word “sales” is tripping them up. Call it knowledge meetings or education meetings. Don’t call it a sales meeting. Don’t call it sales goals. Call it impact goals as in how many people have we helped or impacted this week or month. Play whatever game you need to play to trick your mind into not feeling nervous about reaching out to potential clients to share your knowledge and passion.

You have to watch this quick video by Mel Robbins as she explains the 5 second rule.

Our brain wants us to stay comfortable. It is there to protect us. Unfortunately, it is protecting you from growth outside your comfort zone. Just move forward with the thing that scares you in “5 seconds” of bravery. You can do this. The world needs your solution, service or product.

Everyone is a salesperson in the organization. Every person is impacting their internal and external customers. Every conversation counts no matter the title! People remember how you made them feel not your perfect “pitch.”

Today, I see that when reviewing a website, proposals, marketing materials or presentation content it is all about the company and not about the client or problems that you solve. The potential client wants to see themselves on your website, proposals and presentations. How are you engaging them? What are you trying to help the “fix”, “avoid”, or “accomplish”? How are you guiding them to the solution they need to solve their business challenge? Think about how you like being sold to….. What has worked to get you to make a decision in your business?

Are there things that frustrate you on how others are selling to you?

If there are things that frustrate you on how others are selling to you, like the immediate pitch after connecting on LinkedIn, grabbing your email address and adding you to their enewsletter, the lengthy email that talks how they have been in business since 1948 doing “x”, etc. Then why do we continue to do those exact things in our sales process? When we have coffee with a new friend, we don’t show up and say let’s get married. We ask questions to learn about them and their interests. This is exactly what happens when we do land that first meeting.

I am genuinely curious about people, what they are trying to accomplish and how I might be able to help them or be a connector for them. Conversation is easy for me. I get that isn’t true for a lot of people. I have been given the gift of gab from my mom.

Steps to overcoming sales reluctancy:
Be human-what would you say when having coffee with a friend (gaining new information–who, what when, where, how…)

Be curious-ask questions, seek to understand, really listen not listen to respond

Bring value -Share your knowledge and passion

Be brave-5 seconds to success, get out of your head

It isn’t sales. It’s a conversation! You are a problem solver. Now, go solve some problems!

What I Wish I Knew

By | RaRa

What I wish I knew when I was in “High School or College or new in my Career”
I recently gave a presentation on “What I Wish I Knew When I Was in School” and had several requests for the presentation. Here are my top 12 things I wish I had known.

1) Get comfortable being uncomfortable
When was the last time you tried something new or something that made you nervous? Zip lining, walking on hot coals, speaking in front of others, asking for help, asking a girl or boy out, etc.

Speaking in front of students is outside my comfort zone. I speak about digital with businesses all the time and feel very comfortable doing that in large environments. But kids scare me. I shared how anxious I was about giving this talk with a friend of mine and she said when was there a time in your life that kids made fun of you. As soon as she said that, I knew exactly when that was. It was in fifth grade and my teacher asked me to read out loud in front of the class. I was not a strong reader back then and wasn’t a very confident student. After stammering around and finishing my part, the kids started laughing. I was mortified. I didn’t realize that that moment impacted me so much that I still carry that with me today. I wasn’t good in school. I had to work at it. I felt so dumb and it wasn’t until later in life that I realized that I am more of a hands-on learner versus just reading a book. This is why I have been so drawn to technology in my career. You can’t read about it. There have been many times where I have had to step outside my comfort zone but I can honestly tell you that every time the other side of the fear was totally worth it. Did you know 60% of your fears will never happen? (Statistics Brain) Raise your hand if you ever get uncomfortable? Trick question-everyone does. Stepping outside your comfort zone is where growth happens!

2) Why fit in when you were born to stand out?
Love Dr. Seuss. Don’t try to be someone else. You were designed to be you and you have special gifts and talents that others don’t. You don’t realize it as “special” because you think everyone sees it the way you see it. That isn’t always true. You bring a unique perspective to any situation. We all have different perspective and life experiences to bring to the table. (W versus M perspective)

3) Find Mentors -You don’t have to have all the answers
Find mentors that push you and lift you up and build into you. Don’t be afraid to ask people for their time. Most people are willing to help if you just ask. I have had many formal and informal mentors in my life that have been very giving of their time and talent. Nothing was ever handed to me. I always sought people and information out. I always felt like I had to have all the answers and I was dumb for asking questions. You are enough right where you are so don’t wait to have all the answers before moving forward.

4) My inner critic is a jerk
Man this is a tough one for me that I fight on a regular basis. I fall into this trap and believe the lies that I tell myself sometimes. If someone spoke to me the way I speak to myself I might punch them. Not that I condone violence. So why do I allow myself to talk to myself like this. So frustrating. You know the lies that I am not smart, who am I to be talking to you today, worthy enough, loved enough, etc. Danielle Krysa wrote a book about this topic and suggested that you give your inner critic a name so when the lies pop up in your mind you can tell it to take a hike. I named mine Gordon. I don’t know a Gordon so it works for me. I can’t tell you the names that my friends call their inner critics as it would not be PG.

5) Don’t let small minds stop you from your dreams
In 2005, I presented my business plan to start a digital business to 3 different business coaches/mentors. They told me that I couldn’t build a business out of digital consulting that it was a fad. Good thing I didn’t listen to them and trusted my instinct. 12 years later and I am still going. I am so glad I didn’t listen to them and pressed on. When you know in every fiber of your being that it is the right thing to do. Go for it.

6) Imposter syndrome
70% of people suffer from imposter syndrome. Have you heard of it? The fear of being found out that you don’t know what you think you know. Feeling like a fraud in some situations. This holds a lot of us back and we don’t even realize that imposter syndrome is a thing. I wish I had known that many years ago. I felt so relived once I heard this term. It was nice to know it wasn’t just me.

7) Confidence gap by McKinsey
Women only apply for open jobs that they think they meet 100% of the criteria listed.
Men apply if they think they meet 60% of the requirements.
80% of jobs are never posted and you need to just go for it. Apply to the job or company that interests you. You may find out during the interview that you are not the right candidate for that particular job you applied for but they see wonderful talents you bring to the table and share that there is another job opening that hasn’t been posted yet that you would be the ideal candidate for. Let your brilliance shine.

8) You WILL make mistakes
We all make mistakes. It is how quickly can you jump back up. Just learn from them and move on. Don’t let this paralyze you for doing things out of the fear of what if I screw this up, or look dumb in front of others, etc.
Being mean to others-My dad who is 70 years old still regrets that he and his buddies in high school were so mean to a kid that the kid actually transferred schools. Life is too short. You don’t know what battles people are fighting every day.

Fear of missing out! 60% of people have trouble sleeping at night and feel burnt out from consistently being connected. When seeing people post pictures from parties that I wasn’t invited to, perfect clothes, perfect vacations, perfect jobs, perfect relationships or others appearing to have more doesn’t mean they are happy. Comparison is the thief of joy!

10) Time is precious
When you are in school you feel like your life is over because so and so doesn’t like me or so and so dumped me. It’s 4 years of your whole life. You may never see that person again. You are going to meet many, many people during your lifetime. Don’t focus on the one person that doesn’t like you focus on the one that build into you and have the life you want for yourself.

11) Iceberg Illusion
What most people don’t realize when you look at someone who we feel are “successful.” Success doesn’t happen overnight. It takes a lot of work and persistence and failure-yes failure. Have a vision for yourself. If you can’t see it, you can’t achieve it. Don’t judge your journey to someone else’s journey. Comparison is a thief of joy. (Yes, I repeated. It is worth repeating.)
Remind yourself of the 1954 Marathon runner, Roger Bannister, when he broke that first 4-minute mile. Once people knew it could be done others quickly broke that record.
I had a vision for myself and my career. I was surrounded by many successful business people. I made 100k when I was 25. Once it can be done, I knew I could do it again.

12) What matters
At the end of the day, the 8-people standing around your bed when you are very sick or dying are the ones that matter. (8 is how many people that fit side by side around a hospital bed.) Not the boy or girl that you are trying to impress or the person who was mean to you. Life is too short to not focus on what matters. Don’t have regrets when you are on your death bed. I wish I did this or that. Do it now. As tomorrow isn’t promised.

What is holding you back from being the best version of yourself? The world is waiting for you to shine! We need you!

What do you wish you knew?

RaRa’s Corner Darla Kirchner (Branding)

By | Digital Marketing, Events, RaRa, Uncategorized

I met Darla back in 2009 while conducting training for leveraging LinkedIn. Crazy how time flies when you are having fun. She is awesome to work with on projects. She brings the necessary pieces of personal and business strategy when working with clients on branding and visual marketing.

Here is a little about Darla:


I help entrepreneurs and small biz owners develop authentic trusted brands. I’m passionate to guide them to embrace their difference, build their brand awareness online and connect to their desired audience with clarity and consistency.
With my degree in graphic design I embraced the online marketplace in 2011 and began developing brand Identities for small business owners.  Then quickly incorporated working with entrepreneurs who want to shine online.  I love working online because I am able to work with clients all over the world as easily as I can within my local community.
I work individually with clients to create their brand identity, through small group coaching programs, workshops and webinar training, online programs and speaking.  I love to share strategies on how to differentiate yourself in your industry.

I work with entrepreneurs and small business owners, in particular those who wan to build their brand awareness online.


I love to inspire others to chase their dreams and differentiate themselves from the pack.  I believe in the power of purpose driven brands that have meaningful messages and stories.  I’ve always been a positive person, an avid learner who always strives to be authentic and genuinely cares.
 “Darla really works to get YOUR style and will develop what will work with your audience and your message.  Darla brings out the essence of who you are and puts it in your brand.”
“Darla understood exactly what we were looking for, the feel and style of our brand we wanted to create.  She helped us create a real vision for our brand and ensured all the elements matched perfectly.” 
“We collaborated on a sparkly design brand that is brag worthy and professional”
“Darla not only understands the creative side to what you are trying to achieve but she understands the business strategy to branding as well.”


We had a great time doing a blab in January. Blab is so much fun. Try something new this year. Feel free to watch the replay of Must Haves in Branding for 2016:

RaRa Blog Category

By | RaRa

Kendra, what the heck is the RaRa category on your blog? I’m glad you asked.

Years ago an acquaintance that I met at a networking event came up to me and said did you realize your name is RaRa. I asked her to explain. She said when you write our your name, Kend”ra Ra”mirez, it says RaRa. She said funny as you are already a natural cheerleader. It stuck with me. As I do believe in being a cheerleader for those around me. I am your biggest cheerleader. I want the best for those I am surrounded by. I am the one that will smile and talk to strangers in hopes of lifting their spirits. My mom says I have done this since I was a small child. No joke, my first word was Hi!

Thank you, Pam, for pointing that out to me!

Your cheerleader, Kendra!

15 Things to Throw Away in the New Year

By | RaRa
[fusion_text]No, this isn’t a post about “things” to throw away but about feelings and thoughts that no longer serve you or others around you.

This is the year that you throw away feelings of:

     -not smart enough

     -not good enough



     -fear of failure

     -not talented

     -too old

     -too young

     -not creative

     -no one cares

     -not enough education

     -don’t know how

     -can’t do it

     -too hard

     -he or she is better than me

No one is perfect or has all the answers. Ask yourself, would you allow someone to speak that way to you? Heck no, you wouldn’t. Stop being your worst enemy. This is your year! Time to shine and not be afraid of what you are capable of accomplishing for yourself. Shine on!


RaRa’s Corner- Tracy Bushman My Concierge

By | RaRa

Tracy and I met back in 2010 through Life Success Seminars. You ever meet someone and just click, that is exactly how it was for me when I met her. Her enthusiasm is contagious. She pushes you to be the best version of yourself. I am so happy to watch her entrepreneurship journey.

Here is a little about Tracy and how she can help you:

WHAT DO YOU DO:  I am a concierge service provider specializing in three main areas: workplace (birthday/anniversary) celebrations, romantic date experiences, and busy life errands running task master.  I passionately help bridge the gap in creating more productive, happier home/office/life relationships.  My Concierge Company is where, celebrating, personal assistance, errand running, romance and convenience meet.

WHO DO YOU SERVE:  Employers/employees, stay at home parents, busy professionals, active families, romantic couples, business owners and people alike.
HOW DO YOU DO IT:  By infusing my passion for joy and 10 years of personal experience as a concierge service provider I pay close attention to what people often don’t say, ask the right questions and do my very best to foresee the need in the gap.
WHO DO YOU WORK WITH:  In very basic terms, I work with individuals with a genuine interest and passion for building into and providing a hand up to those around them.  For example: employers who want more productive employees through celebrating with them on their Birthday, stay at home parents, busy professionals, active families, business owners who need that “to-do” list complete, romantic partners who want us to create an at home/hotel fantasy suite, and people alike who need a personal assistant, errand running task master to simply help get things done and like having someone available on an as needed basis.

WHAT’S YOUR STYLE:  Is to do all things with integrity, a joyful heart, as a grateful listener, with passion, professionalism, cool intensity, positive energy, and an open mind.

WHAT DO OTHERS SAY: From Doctors, Dentists, Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, Moms, Dads, couples in love, and Senior VP’s they each echo similar compliments; My Concierge Company (MCC), is one of the most conscientious and customer-focused professionals I have ever worked with. They are always developing suggestions that would not have been anticipated otherwise and are very detail oriented, a pleasure to work with and I highly recommend them as a resource and business contact. Tracy asks all the right questions to fit my needs and put my mind at ease. I cannot recommend her enough; she is thoughtful, funny and very proactive. If you need help planning celebrations for your employees, call MCC, they’re the best, very professional and joyful. This company is AWESOME! If you’re like me and super busy, hire MCC; they give 100% of their attention to the need of the customer. I’m so grateful for this company and feel refreshed to have them as our concierge service provider.

Tracy Bushman

RaRa’s Corner-Debbie Siegert

By | RaRa

RaRa’s corner today is highlighting my friend, Debbie Siegert. I have worked with Debbie since 2000 and watched first hand what she is capable of accomplishing with her sales teams. If you want to take your sales team to the next level, you need Debbie by your side.

Here is a little about who Debbie is and how she can help you:

What do you do: I help businesses, sales organizations, managers  and individuals build and create effective and high performing sales teams to increase revenue and grow. I enjoy working with leaders to create a highly motivated and strong culture .

Who do you serve:   I am passionate about helping leaders create sales organizations that are focused on a collaborative environments to achieve a strong culture that is focused on the customer experience. I have been working and leading successful high performing sales teams for the past 28 years.

How do you do it: By working directly with leaders to understand and assess the team and individuals to understand what is working and where there may be gaps to improve and gain more productivity. I love creating fun, creative, productive environments that are focused not the customer and deliver solutions in a collaborative environment.

Who do you work with: I work with companies of all sizes as well as entrepreneurs and individuals that are compelled to grow and improve as a leader, team, or business by creating an environment to succeed and thrive!

What is your style: I am a very passionate about leadership and building and developing individuals and teams that over deliver on goals and objectives in a fun and creative environment.  I love to inspire individuals to achieve their goals by stepping outside of their comfort zone.

Contact Debbie Siegert today!

Know someone that is amazingly talented and believes in serving others? Click on the contact us tab and tell me about them. I love supporting others in our community!

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