Monthly Archives

January 2021

The Power of Clubhouse

By | Blog, Digital Marketing

I love that you can just be present and you don’t have to worry about creating content or getting dressed up. You hear from people around the world and all walks of life.

I am witnessing so much patience, connection and encouragement with each other that I have never seen in my 15 years of being involved in social media apps.

Right now, it is an equal playing field, it’s so new that and you can’t buy followers, they discourage and take down follow for follow rooms. There are people on here that have over a million followers on Instagram but only a few hundred followers on Clubhouse. Introverts are able to share their voices and moderators are encouraging them to speak up in the rooms.

Outcomes of participating in the app:






Lifting each other up

Business opportunities



Some examples of the power of this amazing app: (names have been stripped in alignment with Clubhouse privacy policies unless they shared the Clubhouse story publicly)

Tiffany Haddish sharing how to manage bullies online.

I was in a room that we were discussing gratitude for the day. We had over 70 people sharing what they were grateful for and celebrating each other.

Another room someone was sharing that they had a rough few days and crying on the app and others jumping in to celebrate her in sharing her struggle and people jumping in to see what she needs and how we could help.

Brian Fanzo landing multiple speaking gigs from sharing his knowledge on the Clubhouse stage.

Mothers bringing their kids to hear the audio reading of the Lion King and the kids got to ask the Lion King cast questions. Simba asked one child what they want to be when they grow up and the child responded to study STEM. Where else can we have this uplifting group conversation? The mother said it totally made her daughter’s day.

Some moms reading books to other kids to give moms a break.

MT shared that he sold four $5000 coaching packages within one hour.

A chef jumped in and shared that her business is struggling and asked the group what she should do as she was considering investing in adding a food truck. Another individual (PB) jumped in and shared that he owns and builds food trucks and would help her. Another individual jumped in and advised on how to get capital for her business.

Another person (RC) shared his story about shifting from owning a restaurant to now hosting twenty tennis boot camps at $1000 each. Being open to other ideas and pivoting your business.

I witnessed a gentleman (Marcus) give another room attendee $1000 towards their non-profit (Patrick).

A coach gained 13 new clients and have two sponsors for two other people in the room for the marriage/intimacy coaching programs.

To extend the power of Clubhouse, consider adding more levels of engagement in Clubhouse. Chat or direct messages are not native to the app. I am seeing people get creative on how to include chat as an option when you set up a room or club. Judi Fox did this through LinkedIn Events, and I thought it was brilliant.


Topics through rooms and clubs are being added daily. Find clubs and topics that you are interested in learning about or connect with other like-minded people:

to name a few:

Casting calls and auditions

Social media tips

Business tips

Entrepreneurship tips

Mindset shifts

Nonprofit tips

Crypto tips

Financial and Stock tips

You name it and you can find it here.


Fair warning before you sign up for the app, it is addictive. The app is only available on itunes right now. Android is coming.

More helpful posts on Clubhouse:

Learn how to get started on Clubhouse:

Clubhouse knowledge center and frequently asked questions:

New Social Kid on the Block from Brian Wallace:


Are you using Clubhouse? What is your favorite room or thing about Clubhouse right now?

Master Mod Tips for Clubhouse

By | Blog, Digital Marketing

I am having so much fun on Clubhouse. I have experienced amazing rooms/clubs and not so amazing rooms/clubs. Here are some tips on what makes a room work well and keep people coming back for more.

If you are moderating a room or club, here are some tips that I have observed that make a room or club really shine.

People will decide on joining your room/club based on the name of the room and description. You have 200 characters to describe the room.

Start a room immediately by clicking the green button on the main hallway (see image below).

To schedule a room, click on the calendar at the top of the app.



Find co-moderators or co-hosts. No more than 9-12 hosts/moderators. Know your moderators before starting the room as they can kick you out of your own room or shift the feeling and goal of the room. Get your moderators phone number so you can text each other should you have any issues in your room.

Decide the flow of the room. What experience are you creating for your attendees?

Write down your intro to the room or club to be shared when kicking off the room. This sets the tone for the room.

Define the goal of the room-have fun, share mod knowledge and or get audience collective wisdom.

Add a potential chat function. LinkedIn Event, LinkedIn Group, Facebook Group, Slack, etc. HT to Judi Fox for the idea. It’s brilliant.

Determine if you want to host a Public or Private room

Add your rooms/clubs on your Clubhouse profile

Share your room/club on your social media channels, if it is public.

Set the length of time of the room ahead of time. Rooms can run on for hours if you let it.

Consider being consistent when you host your room so it is easy to find your room again.



Intro the room-set the tone, flow, and topic.

Set the logistics of the room. Example: Each person has 2-3 minutes to share. We go left to right on who’s up next. Call them by name when the next person is up to help people that are new to Clubhouse and don’t understand the etiquette of the room and who speaks next.

Intros of the hosts/mods

Refresh the room every 15 minutes-here’s what we are discussing today.

New people joining in-thank them for jumping in.

Use hashtags for your clubs-get others to add to their profiles to gain more visibility to your club.

Invite people to raise their hands ✋ to join the stage.

Turn off hand-raising when you get over 15 people on stage.

If you are seeing a lot of party hats (🎉), this means they just started Clubhouse in the last 7 days. They are new to Clubhouse and may have additional questions beyond the topic being discussed.

Respect group time-if you have someone that is taking up too much time ask if you can take the conversation off this room, connect them with someone in the room that can help, and remind them that you want everyone to have a chance to share.

Write down what people are sharing and thank them for sharing don’t just move to the next person. Look at their profiles to highlight something from their profile if it adding meaning to the conversation.

Remind the people on the stage to start with “my question is.” This helps so they don’t ramble on and get to the point so you can serve more people.

Ask people to respect group rules and each other.

Tell the room to invite others to the room if you are finding value in this room/club.

Private rooms can be moved to public rooms after the room starts.

When you want to leave and the conversation is still going and the other moderators can continue the room, move yourself back to the audience and then click leave quietly.

Don’t chomp on gum when speaking. 🤦‍♀️ Yes, I was in a room when this happened.



Look through your new notifications and follow people back that are appropriate people to follow.

Follow up with new connections to further the relationship. Don’t just collect followers.



Make sure you are following the Community Guidelines provided by Clubhouse:


*If you are new to Clubhouse, here are some terms that might help you while on Clubhouse.

Moderator is the person that started the room. Moderators are identified with a green star under their profile picture and they are located at the top of the page.

Speaker is someone who is invited by a moderator to the stage to speak. Mute yourself when you come on stage.

Listeners are in listen-only mode and don’t have the mute or unmute function. You have to click the raise your hand function (✋) to ask the moderator to be stage.


Let me know what you would add to the list. What you have seen as best practices as a moderator on Clubhouse?

Welcome to the Clubhouse!


By | Digital Marketing

Welcome! So glad we met on Clubhouse!

I am using this page to share what I am learning on Clubhouse.

Curious about Clubhouse:
What is Clubhouse and how to get started

New to Clubhouse

The first step is the Clubhouse Knowledge Center:

FAQs are in the app as well. This is a robust list to get started and they answer the most common questions.

Find clubs or topics, you can explore here:

Townhall with Paul and Rohan the two confounders is held on Sundays at 12 EST. So good. Hear from the creators directly on their plans to update the app and where the development plan is going. Monetization is coming. 

Power of Clubhouse:

How to be a master moderator on Clubhouse:

What else would you like to learn about Clubhouse?


I love connecting and talking about entrepreneurship, marketing, or mindset.
Let’s chat:! 


Speaking, Events and Workshops for 2021

By | Events, RaRa

Thank you for asking about our public workshops or events in 2021! I  hope to see you at one of the events. You won’t regret it.

January 5, 10-11 EST
Topic: Leadership Mindset
Host: Talent Management Institute

I share my 5 principles of Leadership Mindset.
Message us to sign up.

February 17, 12:30-1:30 EST
Topic: Leverage LinkedIn for Business Development and Recruiting
Host: HCDC 

February 18, 11 EST
Topic: Fish! Philosophy in your business
What are we seeing and hearing from leaders?
What is working to help with leader exhaustion?
You have permission to say that you are tired.

Join LaMarque Ward and me
Host: Fish! Philosophy free webinar

February 22, 10-11 EST Mentor Monday
Host: Business Courier

February 24, 830-5 EST
Topic: Entrepreneurship and Mindset
Host: Comspark free event
Register here: 

March 23
Topic: Emerging Leaders Mindset

Not Today Karen!
Our thoughts can trip us up. In this session, learn how to tame your inner critic, slay imposter syndrome, and create a daily practice to work your mindset muscle. Attendees will leave the session energized with confidence and clarity.

Host: Washington Bankers Association

May 19, 9:30-10:30 EST
Topic: Marketing, Mindset and Motivation
Host: Meeting Professionals International

July 13, 12-1 EST
Topic: Marketing on a Budget
Host: West Chester Liberty Chamber Alliance

September 16
Topic: LinkedIn for Career Development and Personal Branding
Host: University of Dayton

October 9
Topic: Demystifying Branding and Marketing
Host: Medipreneurs

October 20
Topic: Women’s Initiative Conference Keynote
Host: Northern Kentucky Chamber

November 3
Topic: Marketing Blueprint
Host: Ohio’s Wate Well Association

Let me know if you are looking for an engaging speaker who covers topics on Marketing, Mindset, or Entrepreneurship. I have been speaking for over 15 years. Love to ignite action in others through these events.