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May 2023

Power to Pursue

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Thank you for attending my session at Power to Pursue. Below are all the goodies we discussed. Let me know if you have any questions. I am so excited to watch you grow and successfully go after your purpose in life.

Click on the buttons for your free downloads. No email address is required for ebook and workbook.


Buyer Personas

It is important to deeply understand your target audience and what they value. Most of the time you are not your target audience. These free templates will help you understand what they need, what their interests are, where they play, how they like to communicate and so much more. You don’t have to spend a ton of money on expensive focus groups when starting out. Simply ask your customers and clients a few of these questions in the buyer persona link from Hubspot and listen as they provide feedback. Document the conversations so you don’t lose those golden nuggets your customers are sharing with you so you can go find more customers and clients that look like the good ones you are attracting. Yes, sometimes we attract the wrong clients. It is a learning process.


Marketing Strategies ebook

Your marketing strategy is the foundation of your marketing success. Let’s talk through what your marketing strategy blueprint for your business success looks like. We will cover the framework below as well as essential marketing tools and a free 45 page marketing workbook.

The framework we use is:

  1. Understand your audience
  2. Conduct digital assessment
  3. Define success
  4. Create content
  5. Measure
  6. Optimize and repeat

There are several free or affordable events on marketing, AI or mindset coming up. I would love to see you again.